Our Services
Bailey Boyd Associates has a wide range of experience in the field of grant management and compliance. As grant administrators for state and federally funded programs, we have over thirty years of experience overseeing programs and ensuring that they continually pass both fiscal and program audits without findings. Dedicated staff stay up to date on changing regulations, fiscal responsibilities and reporting requirements for all the funding sources and programs we work with.
Bailey Boyd Associates also provides compliance consulting services, training, and workshops. We completed a state-wide compliance manual and staff training for the Massachusetts Housing Investment Corporation's role in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program. In this arena we focus on providing clear, user-friendly guidance to compliance as well as easy-to-use tools.
Bailey Boyd Associates has distinguished itself as a team that gets projects done on time and on budget without audit findings. Our HUD and Executive Office of Housing & Livable Communities (formerly DHCD) grant administration staff include an accountant and procurement specialist. A Licensed Construction Supervisor monitors each stage of construction and payment is approved based upon performance and quality of work.
BBA has managed large municipal construction projects and small affordable housing projects. Our commitment to each project is identical.
PAST projects:
Bay Meadows Mixed-Use Housing
Brackett Landing 40B Project
Dennis Top of the Shop Program
Eastham Aquaculture Center
MHIC/MHP Manual Creation & Statewide NSP Compliance
Mill Street Church Adaptive Re-Use
Norfolk Senior Center
Nantucket Housing Rehab Program
Oak Bluffs Noyes Library Conversion
Raynham Recreation Building
Southbridge Adaptive Re-Use Projects
Truro Town Hall
USDA Dairy Farm Conversion Project
Wellfleet Senior Center
Yarmouth Affordable Housing Trust Buy Down Program
BBA staff embrace the development and implementation of sustainable communities, buildings, and services. Environmental stewardship and community consensus are an important component of our sustainable philosophy. As project managers, we seek every opportunity to collaborate with community stakeholders.
PAST projects:
Adaptive re-use of warehouse space, creating rental housing and retail space
Adaptive re-use of abandoned church and rectory, creating worker housing
Infill development creating affordable homes on vacant inner-city lots
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture programs
Top of the shop housing
Water and waste management systems
Bailey Boyd Associates has assisted dozens of municipalities and community groups to plan, fund, and build affordable housing. We have provided consulting services on an annual and project basis, created and updated housing plans, pro forma's, completed environmental reviews, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and secured funding or financing.
BBA has implemented a wide range of housing initiatives, including elder housing, first time home buyer and affordable rental programs, friendly 40B developments and Local Initiative Program (LIP) projects. BBA staff have income-qualified thousands of households and have found creative ways to move projects forward.
Past Projects:
Created over 180 new units of worker housing
Managed first time home buyer projects
Wrote affordable housing by-laws
Developed and managed RFP processes
Rehabilitated over 350 homes
Created compliance manuals for federal housing program
Secured "green" funding for housing
Trained HUD-funded program staff